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Welcome To HLWC

  • Providing essential logistics to these children like clothes, food, blankets, mosquito nets, utensils, mattresses, etc.
  • Providing scholastic materials like books, pens, pencil, papers and mathematical sets.
  • Medical examination by our collaborating doctors.
  • Visiting the children in their respective schools.
  • Providing games equipment to these children like balls, Jersey, nets and sports shoes. etc.

      The education of the world’s children is high on the global agenda. In the context of education for all (EFA), all children should receive free, good quality education. The reality is that millions of the world’s children are too poor to benefit from the declaration, the poverty is as a result of death of their parents and thereafter they lack supportive guardians with the potential to provide the basic needs like education, shelter, food and among others. Acknowledging the need to reach out to the poorest children with the objective of breaking the poverty cycle from them. Arise Child Support embarked on the programme of helping such children.

      Children are subsumed with the poverty categories most often referred to as households, communities, people-which mean that there, is a high tendency of to focus on adult-related poverty while child problems are ignored. Child problems are clear! Top on the list is absence of basic of basic necessities like education, food, clothes and safe water. While there seems to be national consensus among donors, the public and civil society, the government of Uganda has made commendable progress in implementing PEAP (Poverty Eradication Action Plan) as flexibly as possible, it’s evolving nature, due to participatory and consultative review it undergoes regularly, does not address many of development challenges Disadvantaged children(Orphans) face today. The UNESCO 2003 study of children in Abject to poverty in Uganda revealed that; Ill health and inadequate health services remain critical challenges for the children abject poverty. This is aggravated by the living conditions in almost the districts studied especially Orphans.

    • Goal

      SAVE AFRICAN YOUNG GENERATION has a very strong goal of providing basic essential services in an efficient and effective manner to Orphans and Vulnerable Children by improving on their spiritual life through providing basic lessons about the word of God, education, giving care, Love and support.

    • Problem Statement

      Due to increasing deaths of people as a result of HIV/AIDS so many children have been left as orphans with no body to take care of them and giving them support. Most of the children are left with their poor grandparents and some are left homeless hence ending up on streets. The grandparents looking these children is still not a solution because the grandparents are also vulnerable people

      A UNICEF project document (Mar 8, 2012) on orphans and vulnerable children indicates that approximately 2.5 million children in Uganda are orphaned and, of these, 80% come from poor families.

      Children’s vulnerability to poverty, adversity and HIV/AIDS is largely contextual but also indicative of the widespread situation in protecting them. Uganda currently has over 2 million orphaned children, the majority of whom were orphaned by HIV/AIDS (Uganda Poverty Status Report, 2003). The number is expected to rise in the next decade and this will increase the risk of children turning to the streets, and becoming beggars and thieves

